One of my legs is injured !!

Monday, June 28, 2010

So here let me tell you why my leg is injured ... Kay, so on Saturday my mom was planning to go with my lil sister and I to Emporium Pluit. Well when i was choosing what shoes to be wear so that it can match in with my clothing, my mom asked me to wear the flat shoes that i bought for quite a long time ago mmm... maybe around last 2 years. I rarely wear that shoes, cause it is uncomfortable to be wear. Well then i think, yeah i better wear that shoes cause i'm so rarely wear it. Then, when the time i reached EP, i felt uncomfortable wearing that shoes. Ckckck plus ! few hours later, my leg got injured ! cause of what? of course, because of that damn shoes! :( But pheww! now it is not hurt again :)