Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Don't talk to me because you're "bored." I'm not here to entertain you. And don't come to me only when you need a favor. I don't like being used. Just get them away cause i'm not going to be your last resort. I want someone to talk to me because they sincerely want to. Those kind of people are worth my time.

One of my legs is injured !!

Monday, June 28, 2010

So here let me tell you why my leg is injured ... Kay, so on Saturday my mom was planning to go with my lil sister and I to Emporium Pluit. Well when i was choosing what shoes to be wear so that it can match in with my clothing, my mom asked me to wear the flat shoes that i bought for quite a long time ago mmm... maybe around last 2 years. I rarely wear that shoes, cause it is uncomfortable to be wear. Well then i think, yeah i better wear that shoes cause i'm so rarely wear it. Then, when the time i reached EP, i felt uncomfortable wearing that shoes. Ckckck plus ! few hours later, my leg got injured ! cause of what? of course, because of that damn shoes! :( But pheww! now it is not hurt again :)

♥ !

I ♥ Cupcakes!

oh my! they look so beautiful and of course a mouth-watering dessert :9 !!


Friday, June 18, 2010

I'm so so so wanna watch these movies! I bet these movies are awesome !

Well Toy Story, i had ever watched this before when i was in primary 5, i guessed :s
and i found out that this movie was nice and interesting!

Letters To Juliet, OH MY GAWD! I must watch this movie! cause what? In that movie, there is AMANDA SEYFRIED! She is totally gorgeous! Well, every movie that she played, i'll always watch it, except for "Mama Mia" (cause that movie is so damn long ago) ! For me, she's charming, beautiful and also good in acting!
. She is brave in acting! yeah for u guys who had watched "Dear John" and "Chloe", u guys will know what do i mean by [ brave in acting ] ... !

Seriously, I must watch both of them ASAP!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sometimes no matter how secure you feel in someone's arms, no matter how tight you hold onto that person's hand, you can find yourself falling madly in love with someone else.

I can say i love you in many languages,
but none is like the language of both of our
hearts beating together :]

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Life seems so worth it when I'm with you. ♥

ahhh yeah its true :b

I Don't Need A Perfect Guy !

Who wants the perfect guy? Not me. I don’t want anyone perfect. I don’t want anyone normal, that's just boring. I want someone weird. I want someone unpredictable. I want someone who lets things slide and who loves to laugh and makes me laugh. I want someone who will be crazy about me, and isn’t afraid to let everyone know it. I want him to be able to tell me to shut the hell up when I am bugging him. I want someone who challenges me, in every way. I want someone who pisses me off, but I can never be mad at. But perfect? That’s one thing I never want. Maybe just perfect for me.

It's Better To be Myself ! ♥

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Are you ready to face another year of school ?!!

Now that I think of it, I AM NOT !


Saturday, June 12, 2010

On Friday, 11th June was the judgment of dead and alive x( and i felt that I'm dead ! well even though my average mark is 62.48% in sec2, I'm still not satisfied with it! My sec 1's average mark is way much better than sec 2's one! uhhhh so disappointed with my report ! i know i can do much better than this sec 2's and the key answer is * study harder * ! Yeah everyone hates to study, but to get good grades, i must study harder! YES I MUST STUDY HARDER in sec 3! A BIG MUST MUST MUST!

Honestly, I was so regret cause i didn't study hard in this sec 2 and took easy of the exams. I prefer playing computer & watching television all day long rather than focusing on my studies. Now, the results are so damn worst ! Well although there's still have people who have lower average marks than me, but I'm still disappointed and not satisfied with my marks! This is the worst average mark that i ever get in BBS!

nyiahahaha ! :D


It's love ♥


Here’s the think about having a relationship. You can never look for it. It’s like when you lose your keys - if you look for them, you’ll never find them You just have to wait for them to pop up under the couch. So i’m playing it as patient as I can. I’m not going to rush into having a relationship just because I’m lonely sometimes. I’m waiting for the right person.

It's the little things. ♥

Wish I could turn back time.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Well my friends, u know we will be separated in different classes. And i know you guys feel so sad bout it, esp for our form teacher, Miss Yunita who taught us for 2 years gonna leave BBS and not teach us again. We gonna miss u so badly, miss :(

Honestly when i type each word by word in this blog, i feel so sad n cry :'( everything pops up in my mind, when the first day i moved to BBS, i sat in the first row with Melissa. We all introduced ourselves and from there we knew each other, well although its just a short introduction, but at least we knew each others name. in 1 zeal, i got quite a lot of good friends, we named ourselves "JEWGSM" which consists of Jennifer grace, well when the first time i saw her i thought she is a kind of a nerd (haha no offense jek :p) and a quiet girl, but what? when in term 3, she change and become a gossip girl who likes to gossips haha xP. followed by Emily, i was one room with her in orientation camp, that time i thought is a quiet girl too, but when in term 3, she also change to be a girl who likes to gossip (no offense too emil :p) then, Winny, a girl who i thought is the same like jege, but uhhhh she is totally not, she is talkative and like to gossip too hahaha. btw win, i thought u are a kind of annoying girl, haha and its true! U like to tease me huh! :b Griffin the generous? uhhh A BIG NO NO ! hahaha when the first day of school she looks innocent, not annoying and when four of us (I, mel, win and fin) ate together when break and lunch time, she seems so quiet and not talkative. But suddenly when we were in term 2, she changed to be a talkative girl, and uhh a little annoying, but what? when we were in sec2 she is totally annoying and do you still remember fin why i became not friendly again to u cause of that prob?!! but its already past, just forget it. at least, i become friendly again to u now ;p yeah its true that she is innocent and Dangerous! :O *i'm shocked!*. S is for Stella and its me haha. J to the E to the W to the G to the S to the M, Oops here is the M! M is for Melissa, she is a bookworm (kidding mel :D), kind, patient, well sometimes she is kinda annoying duh haha. Melissa is my previous friend in P6, we ever be a good friend, but then our friendship not so close again because of friendship problem D: then when we moved to BBS, we became a good friend again and until now she still be my best friend haha. Mel, we should always be keep in touch until we old XD hihi. Hey Mel! do you still remember when we fought just because of a small problem? hehe well, we are stupid ya just cause of that small prob, we fought?!! :P then from that time I and nia became a friend and we both ate together with emil and jek during break and lunch time. it took a week if i'm not mistaken, i and mel turned to be a friend again (ceritanya udh baikan neh hihi). Then i asked nia, emil and jek to join us eat together and 7 of us become good friends :D We spent our time together, we hang out, photo box, narcissism together (nia and fin do u still remember we took a photo in museum? haha its kinda scary :O) But then when term 4 i think, we had a friendship problem and that time we started not to speak again to Nia. Well, she thinks i'm the one who ask my friends not to friend with her again, but hey its not me dude! :p u know who is the person ryt? u know ryt??! hahaa just forget it also lah, its past already :b And hey JEWG! do u guys still remember when we teased on him? we wrote something bad about him on a piece of paper, then he told what we had done to him to Miss Yunita and Mr. Anba. do you guys know who is the *HIM*? hehe well I can't stop laughing when our friend's, Winny, wrote "Huge Nose, Big Nostril, Dig the Giant UPIL" on the paper, HAHAHAHAHA! So Funny Man!! :D Guys, as u know i missed sec1 moments, well for me sec1 is kinda so fun! :D

Anyway my zeal buddies, when the first time i met u guys, i thought our class will be the best class ever cause u guys seemed so fun and its true! :) I'm glad to be the part of 1 zeal and 2 zeal :') and luckily we got a good and kind form teacher :D Btw btw, I remembered the time when we were calling names to each other, even though its so annoying. but well, i know its fun and its just a joke. hahaha Guys, i gonna miss u, i know its hard for us to be separated cause we had become classmates for 2 years! And in those years we spent full of laughter's, making a laugh of someone hahaha yeah its fun! and yeah gossiping people too haha :D

I wish i could turn back time to 1 zeal and also 2 zeal, so that we can still be classmates again. Miss u guys a lot. goodbye zealers, take care :') and i hope u all enjoy ur June's holiday, see ya at sec3! :D

Ps. Sorry guys, I'm not describing all of u, because u know, i'm lazy to type and look at this blog! It is so damn long! hahaha :D


Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Monday, June 7, 2010

OH SHIT! NOT satisfied at all with my damn marks! but except for Chinese hehe :D well, i feel that my grades are decreasing since i'm so lazy to study and so often spending my time playing computer rather than study. AND also I take easy of this fye and finally the damn results are not as good as my Mid year exam! uhhhh, i'm so disappointed with this fye. huh :( better i study harder next time and improve my marks! D':

Who are the people that really love you?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

JUNE has come ! ♥

yipeee! June has come! and surely holiday is coming towards! :D i can't wait for 12 June to come ! 12 June is the starting of my school holiday :) and we have holiday for 1 month ! yesh yesh yesh! :D i'm so happy with it! plus there is NO HOMEWORK! Hell yeah, I'm free from those homework that torture me everyday! HAHAHA ! I hope this holiday gonna be fun like last time! and i wish i can go to Bali again for the 3rd time in this June holiday *hoping my wish can come true* ! Well hope u enjoy ur holiday guys :D !