Just love to be myself.

Monday, September 6, 2010

fall for you.

ur smile.

" Ur smile makes my heart go BOOM BOOM loudly :) "

My worst nightmare

That one day, any girl will take my spot. That one day a girl will sit with you, laugh with you, smile with you & have a good time with you. That one day a girl will realized that you are amazing. That one day that girl becomes your girlfriend. That one day she takes my spot for good. That one day you will forget about me because you’re busy thinking about her. Yeah, that scares me the most. Because, I want to be that girl. I want to be only girl. I don’t want anyone to take my spot. Why? Because, if anyone takes my spot; there won’t be anyone else who can take yours … which is probably going to be the worst reminder that I lost my spot to her.

This is my wish boy.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I dont know how to describe my feeling right now. it seems like I'm happy to fall for another guy, but then in other side I'm worried that someday he could hurt my feeling like a cat scratches my heart into pieces. it's painful, yeah so painful. I don't want to be a broken hearted girl again for the second time. I just wish I could always be happy when I'm with him and last but not least we will
n e v e r b e a p a r t

Hi! I'm a teenage girl.

I have good days and bad days & sometimes take it out on others;
when my ipod is blasting, the rest of the world gets turned outtt
there's a boy that I can't seem to stop thinking about.
[ he's the reason i look forward to school everyday ]
I can't go one day without saying or doing something silly
I truly don't know what I'd do without my friends.
[ they know how to make me happy and always here for me ]
i can be stubborn, bitchy, and a little clueless at times
& sometimes, in one day, dozens of things go wrong...
but when I take step back and look at things clearly,
I realize how much I truly appreciate life, with every imperfection
I know that I'm still young, I know I have a lot to learn

>> and I dont want to grow up too fast. (: